
by Meg Wise-Lawrence

I even wrote a poem for them. I read it at the Biblios reading awhile back, accompanied by my husband on guitar, and doing my best Patti Smith voice (and I had a cold):

Light incident
on the edge

of an obstacle
is bent

or diffracted,

and the obstacle
does not form

a sharp
geometric shadow.

The points
on the edge

of the obstacle
act as

a source
of coherent

waves, and a

diffraction pattern
is formed. A bit

of order
in the chaos.

I hate people who hate physics. They drive me nuts. Science fiction writer Robert Heinlein wrote, "Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best, he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to dress himself, bathe, and not make messes in the house."

Physics is cool. Physics is like Dali who said, about himself, "I do not take drugs; I am drugs." To see physics, you have to be tripping the light fantastic, man. You have to be wheel chair bound in England without the ability to speak. It helps to be good at math.

Phyics is about imagination and imagination scares some people, so they reject physics. They're rejecting timelessness and spacelessness and the infinite diversity in the cosmos. They're afraid to think. Afraid of the dark abyss of their own mind, afraid they'll implode. They're people who are afraid that Language may fail them, because ithout language we're babies, we're monkeys, were crippled and transcendent beings.

It's all just space.

The correct answer had a bright simplicity, while the wrong ones were dark and complex.
--John Eskow "Smokestack Lightning"

Meg Wise-Lawrence runs Acorn Mush (also home to the oMEGa female & starship mind)